What Makes An Absolute Leader !!


What makes you an absolute leader..

Words that come from heart and stir the soul

Warmth that your aura upholds and unrolls

An enigmatic humility, yet upfront n bold

Friendly, yet  detached, focused on goal

An earnest smile that lights up a heart

Wisdom that ignites one’s mind with many thoughts

Earnest feeds that strike a cord

Effortless flow of discourses in a lyrical art

Be amiable and amenable, yet firm and intense

Fits well with the overall panache and elegance

There are things about you, one shouldn’t comprehend

May that be a part of your persona beyond everyone’s cognizance

Passion and excellence be your tenet

Innate style to make a connect

An eye to differentiate the jewels from the stones

Talent to warrant and not just owning the throne

What makes one extraordinary are yet the things above all

A burning desire to constantly evolve

Striving to escalate and rise with a resolve

No! Its not the power, the rule, the reign etcetera…

What makes you absolute is being the worthy winner of cathedra!